b'APPAREL & ACCESSORIESFull colour lanyardsSublimation lanyards for unique designs with photographic images.100The most popular models now also available from Europe.MOQEurope productionFar East productionAvailable in polyester and RPET.With more options than from Europe Delivery time from 1 week. and delivery time in ca. 2 weeks.Detachable bucklePlastic safety breakaway (plastic) (plastic)Detachable buckleSafety breakaway (wheatstraw/PP) (wheatstraw/PP)Detachable buckleSafety breakaway (PMS colour plastic) (PMS colour plastic)L1 L2 L3ML5014 / ML5303 ML5204 / ML5304 ML1104 / ML1303 ML1204 / ML1304L4 L5 L6A: 100x80mm MLAS02MLAS03 B: 112x174mm ABS ABSC: 75x125mmML5104Fine Polyester. ML5204Fine Polyester. ML1104Fine Polyester. ML1204Fine Polyester. Far East optionsML5303100% RPET. ML5304100% RPET. ML1303100% RPET. ML1304100% RPET.Optional straw accessories. Optional straw accessories. 279'